1:1 Coaching

CARA offers limited 1:1 coaching opportunities with our expert coaches with limited services available. At this time, CARA coaches do not offer complete individual coaching services.
Individual Gait Analysis
Expert Coach Bill Leach will work with you one-to-one for this in-depth, two-session gait analysis designed to identify running form errors at various paces through video analysis and personal instruction. This program is ideal for runners looking to make impactful changes to their running form with the goal of reducing injury and improving performance. Runners can expect improved running skill, fewer aches, pains and injuries and increased running speed at all effort levels following Gait Analysis.
Individulized Designed Training Plans
Master- planning, single event or general training programs, resulting in monthly, weekly, and daily plans to meet training and performance goals and to increase enjoyment of running. A highly interactive program, training plans include frequent communication with Coach Leach throughout the each stage of program development & implementation.
One-on-One Coaching Sessions
Individually developed training sessions with Coach Leach, focusing on running, flexibility, strength and skill for improved performance. Sessions are designed to deliver enjoyable/FUN, training strategies to meet the individual goals of high school to adult athletes.