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Our Mission

The Chicago Area Runners Association, CARA, is a non-profit organization committed to serving and advocating for the local running community. We are Chicagoland’s running club, providing accessible opportunities for all runners to train, race, learn, be social and volunteer. 

Quick Facts

Founded: 1978

Status: 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit Organization


Membership: 11,000+ (56% city / 44% suburban)


Program's/Events: Over 1,300 dates per year

Board of Directors: 15 Members

  • President: Erika Edmonson

  • Vice President: Darren DeMatoff

Staff: 7 Full-Time

  • Executive Director: Tim Bradley 


Bylaws: Download HERE

Our Programming & Events

Mission Based Programing 

  • 'Go Run program

  • Charity Training Partnerships 

  • Run Crews and Track Workouts

  • Education Clinics

  • Lakefront Hydration Stations

  • Marathon and Half-Marathon Training Programs

​CARA Training Programs 

  • Summer Marathon Training 

  • Winter Half Marathon Training 

  • Winter Marathon Training 

  • Boston Marathon Training / Boston Bus Program 

  • Spring Half Marathon Training 

CARA Events 

  • Miles Per Hour Run

  • Lakefront 10 Miler & 5K

  • Spring Trail Chase 10k

  • Chi-Town Miles

  • Ready to Run 20 Miler

  • Marathon VIP Experience

CARA Governance 

  • CARA Race Certification

  • Chicago Racing Circuit



The Chicago Area Runners Association (CARA), a non-profit organization, started in 1978 as a protest movement and running club. Rooted in seeing the world from a runner’s perspective, the founders of CARA emerged as the voice of a grassroots project that demanded high quality race standards, more opportunities for women to run and top-notch training programs. Since then, CARA has championed the running movement across Chicagoland, functioning as an organization dedicated to running advocacy, runner education, running accessibility, training programs, a competitive race circuit and high-quality runner focused events.


1977 - Inaugural Mayor Daley Marathon (now the Bank of America Chicago Marathon).  More than 4,200 runners pay the $5.00 registration fee to run, making it the largest “mega” marathon in the world at the time


1978 – CARA is incorporated. Sensing an advocacy void in the running community and outraged by the Chicago Marathon’s proposed noon start*, Bill Robinson, Sharon Mier, Erma Tranter and Noel Nequin gathered on Mier’s front porch and formed the Chicago Area Runner’s Association (CARA). They had three goals: organize more races, increase women’s participation and offer more support to existing races

*Between 500-2000 runners (depending on the sources) wear black armbands to protest the Chicago Marathon’s later start time and the increase in the entry fee from $5 to $10. The slogan for the event becomes “10 o’clock too late, $10 too much.”


CARA founds and produces its first race: the Lakefront 10


CARA is responsible for development of the cinder jogging path in Lincoln Park (the 10 Mile path is extended to 17.5 by 1988)


CARA and Friends of the Park sponsor Fun Runs on alternate Sundays through the summer at seven historic parks (followed by a tour of the park)

  • Running Scene Perspective: the Chicago Marathon was 85 degrees (technical fabrics with “wicking” abilities did not exist); many road races did not start on time; courses were not always measured correctly; water was considered by some to be unnecessary; there was no race Circuit; there were few well-structured training programs; in spite of the running boom, runners were largely considered misanthropes and loners; marathons were unpopular, male-dominated and geared toward the serious runner; college athletes “retired” after college; prize money was frowned upon for amateur athletics; and women were mostly absent from the sport altogether


1979 - CARA starts its popular CARA Competitive Circuit (currently known as Chicago Racing Circuit) (results tracked from 1981-present) and publishes “CARA Tips on Road Racing” (the booklet discusses putting on a safe, high-quality road race and it is circulated nationally and internationally in Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, South Africa, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia).


1980 – CARA founds and produces the first Shamrock Shuffle (now the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K); CARA puts on a Road Race seminar that attracts 136 attendees.


1981 - CARA buys a Chronomix clock that it rents to races; annual membership costs $5.00; Bill Robinson starts a “Computer Task Force” to teach volunteers how to use a computer; CARA members receive CARA’s popular newsletter: Finish Line; CARA starts its first race certification program.


1982 – CARA membership increases to $10.00; CARA served as part of a seminar held in conjunction with the Women’s Sports Foundation on Women’s Fitness and Sports Medicine.


1983 – CARA membership reaches 1,960; CARA distributes a questionnaire to circuit participants: 85% vote “no” for prize money at races; CARA stages a running clinic for disadvantaged youth; CARA works with the Chicago Police Department to develop a training bulletin for police officers; CARA works with the Illinois Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness to develop a Road Race Recognition Program to ensure safety in road racing.

1984 – CARA creates the first annual calendar of running events in Chicago; CARA starts a Community Service Committee and a Running Club Service Committee; CARA creates its first press kit and celebrates its first Open House for running clubs at the CARA office.

1985 – CARA puts on a Race Walking clinic; 3000 runners register for the Shamrock Shuffle; CARA involved with making the sport more accessible to athletes with disabilities; in spite of a growing membership, CARA starts to experience financial hardships.

1986 – CARA gets a new logo and starts its first Running 101 clinic; CARA manages the course and volunteers for the Chicago Marathon.


1987 – CARA celebrates its 10 year anniversary! CARA considers putting on a marathon after the Chicago Marathon fails to find a sponsor, but CARA also struggles to secure a sponsor so no marathon is held in Chicago that fall; CARA and The Athlete’s Congress (TAC) meet to discuss the “poor state of running in Chicago”; CARA outlines a youth running program to launch in 1988 and starts a recurring column in Windy City Sports.


1988 – CARA works with the Chicago Park District, Friends of the Park and the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation to measure the Lakefront Trail and produce maps; Running 101 and 201 programs held; CARA launches a Youth Running Clinic; CARA increases member discount at races from $1 to $2; CARA’s only office computer dies.


1989 – The Great CARA office fire (CARA loses all of its records); CARA starts first marathon training program (Brian Piper starts it – 35 people register; Piper and Hal Higdon along with Bill Fitzgerald, later develop the program further); CARA focuses its energy on race management and race production.


1990 – By 1990, CARA has served more than 20,000 runners and 90 running clubs; more than 125,000 runners have run CARA races; CARA’s biggest focus is race operations; David Patt starts his tenure as the longest acting Executive Director in CARA history; CARA uses the word “advocacy” for the first time when describing part of its mission; CARA owns nine events; 65 runners sign up for the marathon training program.


1991 – CARA has 26 Circuit races; 100 people sign up for the marathon training program; David Patt becomes the sole employee of CARA to save overhead costs, and CARA moves its office to a member’s rent-free space.


1992 – CARA adds the Chicago Marathon to its new “Marathon Warm Up Circuit”; CARA adds a Participation Circuit; The Shamrock Shuffle is the biggest ever with 7000 runners, 500 walkers and 200 kids; Patt takes CARA out of the race management business while the four pillars of CARA become recognition, information, education and advocacy.


1993 – CARA disbands the Lakefront 10; CARA adds a Clydesdale (and later Athena) division to its Circuit Awards.


1994 – CARA expands its marathon training program to the suburbs; 284 people enroll in the marathon training program.


1995 – CARA helps the Chicago Park District with improvements to the Lakefront Trail; CARA experiences the first steady increase in membership since the 1980s; CARA gets its first email address:


2000 – CARA sells the Shamrock Shuffle to LaSalle Bank and Carey Pinkowski, Executive Race Director of the Chicago Marathon, comes to the helm of the celebratory 8K race that kicks off the racing season in Chicago.


2003 – CARA pays for a water trough on the Lakefront Trail at Diversey.


2005 – CARA debuts its Winter Marathon Training Program; CARA organizes its first Circuit Hall of Fame and inducts 31 runners.


2006 – CARA buys back the Lakefront 10; CARA starts its popular Six Series Social Runs; CARA hosts first annual Marathon Super Clinic.


2007 – CARA stages its inaugural Ready to Run 20 Miler, the idea of former Executive Director Betsy Armstrong, a fully supported point-to-point 20 miler on Chicago’s LFT.


2008 – CARA introduces its Road Scholars Program, a mentoring and training program for at-risk high school students. The program seeks to use running as a vehicle to build confidence and self-esteem.


2011 – CARA starts its Green Race Certification Program.


2012 – CARA launches a Youth Circuit and Youth running programs.


2015 – CARA announces its first Lifetime Achievement Award winner – the late Warren Utes.

2016 – CARA ends its Road Scholars Program; CARA introduces the ‘Go Run™ program. ‘Go Run™ is produced in partnership between CARA and the Chicago Park District. ‘Go Run™ events are FREE and open to anyone in an effort to make running enjoyable and accessible to all, both newcomers and long-time runners alike. Through ‘Go Run™, CARA and the Chicago Park District have an objective to activate neighborhood parks, build communities and encourage an active lifestyle through running and volunteerism.

​2017 – CARA engaged and assisted the Chicago Park District with improvements to the 18-Mile Chicago Lakefront Trail separation for bikers and runners, in conjunction with the Active Transportation Alliance (ATA).

2019 – CARA  reaches an all-time high for membership, with 11,180 members.

2020 – CARA successfully launches the Miles Per Hour Run in partnership with the Chicago Auto Show. Runners were presented with a unique all indoor one-hour run through the famed Auto Show floor within Chicago's McCormick Place.
As the COVID-19 pandemic challenges all parts of life, CARA steps up to the challenge for the running community.
In late March, the City of Chicago closes the Lakefront Trail over COVID-19 concerns, leaving runners with limited venues for safe running. As Chicago's running advocate, CARA calls on Chicago's Mayor to re-open the trail for running, walking, and biking. CARA is successful and the trail re-opens, again providing runners with a safe place for running.
CARA develops COVID-19 safety guidelines for runners and Operational Preparedness for Group Running During COVID‐19. CARA's group running guidelines were adopted by the Road Runners Club of America as a national framework for the safe return to group running for its 1,500 member clubs. CARA group training occurred and returned to in-person running despite the cancellation of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. CARA provides members and charity partners with an end of season 26.2 mile opportunity at eight locations meeting all COVID-19 safety guidelines.
CARA would continue its return to in-person events with the new Chi-Town Miles track event at Hope Academy. Held in Chicago's East Garfield Park neighborhood, it featured a series of one-mile races on the track for all ages. As the running community was starved for in-person races, CARA hit the trails with another new event, the Autumn Trail Chase 5K at The Forge - Lemont Quarries. The Trail Chase kicked off the new Forge Trail Series, which had races planned for Spring, Summer, and Fall.
2021 – CARA goes on to develop operational procedures for live in-person events that meet the State of Illinois Restore Illinois Guidelines for COVID-19 safety. Following state and city guidelines, CARA produces the first official large scale racing event in Chicago since January 2020 with a successful Lakefront 10 Miler & 5k. CARA continued to lead the way on in-person running events with the return of its ‘Go Run™ program in July. ‘Go Run™ would continue weekly through November.
CARA ‘Go Run™ continues to provide its races across the Park District sites with 38 program dates that saw 3,700 participants. Building off the foundation of this program, CARA launched Run Crews at five areas throughout the city,  including Austin, Humboldt Park, Marquette Park, West Loop and Anderson/Edgewater neighborhoods.
2022 – In the continued partnership with the Chicago Park District (CPD), CARA increased the ‘Go Run™ programming for an additional five (5) Parks totaling 40 program dates in 13 Chicago Parks. In the growth efforts for the organization, CARA worked on activating its community partnerships with various groups like Chicago Run, Back on My feet, Girls on the Run and Lawndale Christian Health Center.
CARA was recognized by Chicago Run and Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) for the advancement of the ‘Go Run™ program in the Chicago neighborhoods. The CARA staff Manager of Community Development for the Run Crew and ‘Go Run™ was the catalyst for this programming change and success.
CARA relocated its offices to 1540 S Ashland Avenue, which provided ample office space and a large warehouse to manage its ongoing operations from the Pilsen neighborhood.
CARA files for and obtains the State of IL Trademark for the program named, ‘Go Run™, in words only.
In its inaugural fundraising campaign for ‘Go Run™, CARA was successful in obtaining its collection goal of $100,000 to benefit the program.
2023 – CARA secures an unprecedented partnership with the global sports brand, PUMA. PUMA became the exclusive shoe and apparel partner for CARA, as well as the official training partner, racing partner, and program supporter of 'Go Run™. Specific programming branding included signature events such as “PUMA’s Chi-Town Miles” and “PUMA’s Marathon VIP Experience”.
CARA’s Spring Trail Chase and Chi-Town Miles races sold out and saw participant numbers that exceeded pre-pandemic levels. The Summer Marathon Training program saw its highest number of participants with over 2,400 runners, the largest in CARA’s history.
CARA secured partnerships of charity organizations in their focused participation in the ‘Go Run™ programming at various parks. As an annual Turkey Trot, the last ‘Go Run™ of the year received a record 1,000 registrations.
CARA files for and obtains the State of IL Trademark for the term, Power Of The Group™, in words only.

2024 – CARA made Chicago history, hosting the first-ever sub 4-minute outdoor mile in Chicago at PUMA Chi-Town Miles and providing the largest ever free Turkey Trot in Chicago with 1,200 registrations at the final ‘Go Run™ of the year in Horner Park.

CARA races and training programs continued to new peaks with all-time participation highs. Miles Per Hour, Spring Trail Chase, and PUMA Chi-Town Miles were all at record registration levels, while Summer Marathon Training achieved an unprecedented 2,700 participants. In addition, the ‘Go Run™ program again had record participation with more than 6,000 registrations and 5,500 finishers.

CARA Runners’ Choice Circuit becomes Chicago Racing Circuit by CARA, adding a second team division. 

2024 also saw the launch of the CARA Racing Team, providing a competitive outlet for Chicagoland's strongest runners, while also building community and connection between the beginner and elite elements of the sport.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Since its inception, recipients of the CARA Lifetime Achievement Award have been those who have made significant and impactful contributions to the Chicagoland running community. Award recipients are chosen through nominations and feedback from CARA membership, CARA staff, the CARA Board of Directors and the Chicagoland running community at-large.


Warren Utes
Jane Murphy
Ann Schaefers-Cole
Jenny Spangler
Chuck Aron
Carey Pinkowski
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