CARA is delighted to announce that the organization has partnered with JoggingBuddy! is a web platform that helps people buddy up for a walk, jog and/or a run. Launched in 2009, by self-confessed “plodder” Tony Piedade, the website now has members in over 100 countries around the world. Once registered members can find a running partner near their home or further afield when they travel. Searching is simple, just type in the zip code of where you live or where you are traveling to, and reach out to members in that area using the secure online “buddy-request” and email system. You can search based on age, gender, and fitness level too. JoggingBuddy never reveals a member’s full name, email, date of birth, or detailed address, so your data is safe.

53% of the database is Female, the average age of a member is 39 years old and the average page is 12min/mile. However, there are a wide variety of runners at different paces and Tony explains why this is important. “I am often astounded by how wonderful the running community is, and made all the better by the experienced runners on the site that aren’t particularly themselves looking for a running partner but are more than willing to run with someone else, if they were asked to," Tony says. "It is this that makes JoggingBuddy a great platform - the camaraderie, friendship and selflessness of others who actively help others come through the pain barrier of starting out their journey from walking to jogging to running.”
If you are asking why should I join?.. then consider this.. why not? - you have nothing to lose. The platform is FREE and you might just help change someone’s life for the better.. as well as your own.
Learn more and sign up for free at