PUMA'S Marathon VIP Experience

Date & Time
Sunday, October 12, 2025
5:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
An exclusive VIP area for CARA runners on marathon day in Chicago
General Registration Ticket: $90
General Registration is for NON CARA Supporter Level Members that are also not in the 2024 CARA Summer Marathon Training Program.
Includes access to all PUMA's Marathon VIP Experience amenities and a 2024 CARA Supporter Level Membership.
CARA Supporter Level Ticket: $55
- This ticket type is for individuals with a 2024 CARA Supporter Level Membership, that are also NOT in the 2024 CARA Summer Marathon Training Program.
Includes access to all PUMA's Marathon VIP Experience.
Summer Marathon Training Program Participant Ticket: Waived Fee
This ticket type is for all participants in the 2024 CARA Summer Marathon Training Program.
Includes access to all PUMA's Marathon VIP Experience amenities.
Charity Partner Ticket:
This ticket type is for charity runners who are not in the 2024 CARA Summer
Marathon Training Program. -
Includes access to all PUMA’s Marathon VIP Experience amenities.
Contact your Charity Coordinator or Charity Team Leader for registration information.
Guest Ticket: $5
This ticket type is for guests who want to celebrate with loved ones post-race in our
climate-controlled space at the Palmer House Hilton with photo opportunities. -
100% of the proceeds provide improved experiences for the runners from year to year.
Ages 12 and under do not require a guest ticket.
Registration is open to all ticket types through the day of the Chicago Marathon or until capacity is reached.
General Registration:
CARA Supporter Level Members:
Summer Marathon Training Program Participants: Register through emailed invitation link.
Charity Partners NOT in Training: Contact your charity team leader for details.
Event Day Schedule:
5:30 a.m. - Venue opens to runners (pre-race)
5:30 a.m. - Gear check opens
10:30 a.m. - Guests can enter venue and post-race amenities begin for runners
4:00 p.m. - Gear check closes / venue closes
Indoor Space: Palmer House Hilton Exhibit Hall
17 E. Monroe St. (Chicago)
16,909 square feet of climate-controlled indoor space
Outdoor, private start corral toilets
Located at Michigan Ave. & Van Buren St.
To adhere to the hotel capacity limits, this is a capped event and registration runs on a first come first serve basis. Register early if you plan to attend.
Guest Policy:
Guests are not allowed in the VIP room until after 10:30 a.m.
There is a Starbucks in the lobby that guests can meet runners at prior to 10:30 a.m.
Gear Check:
Gear check provided at the Palmer House Hilton upstairs from the VIP room.
Attendees can check a bag of any reasonable size.
Gear check closes at 4:00 p.m.
Food & Beverage:
Snack goody bags from various CARA partners will be available for runners post-race.
Attendees can purchase additional food/meals from the Palmer House Hilton, in the main lobby.
Attendees may bring in personal food/beverage items.
Entrance Requirements: Attendees must meet the requirements below to attend and enter PUMA's Marathon VIP Experience.
Registration is required for all runners who will be attending PUMA’s Marathon VIP Experience. Attendees must register through the appropriate link to obtain a digital ticket. Your ticket will be sent in the registration confirmation email.
CARA 2024 Summer Marathon Training Shoe Tag:
Runners must have a 2024 CARA Summer Marathon Training Program shoe tag attached to one shoe at all times while at the event to access all amenities, including the private toilets near the start corrals. Tags must be worn on the shoe and should not be carried or attached to a bag. Persons may not enter the event by using another person's shoe tag.
Shoe tags may be picked up from the CARA tent at the Chicago Marathon Expo, where you will be asked to present your digital ticket. If you received a shoe tag during Summer Marathon Training, you DO NOT need to pick one up at the Expo, unless you need a replacement shoe tag.
Registration is required for all guests who will be attending PUMA's Marathon VIP Experience. Guests may register through the appropriate link to obtain a digital ticket, or runners may register their guests. Your ticket will be sent in the registration confirmation email.
Guests must have a PUMA's Marathon VIP Experience wristband worn on their wrist to enter the VIP room.
Wristbands may be picked up from the CARA tent at the Chicago Marathon Expo, where you will be asked to present your digital ticket. Wristbands can also be picked up on race day outside the VIP room at the Palmer House Hilton by presenting a digital ticket.